Friday, September 23

Silver and stripes

Uni will start soon so i have a lot of stuff to do.Almost all the time i wear flat shoes but i had to take pictures of this outfit paired with the amazing new booties.Also a new addition to my accessories is this cute Hermes bangle which i really love and plan to wear a lot. Having my eyelashes done tomorrow at Selfridge's! So excited to see how they will look!


  1. incearca sa pozezi cumvaaa!!!! doamne, ai o pozitie a corpului pe cateva poze de parca ai venit de pe deal si ti-i lene, da cineva te impune s faci poze - aiurea de tot.

    si cu asa poze,halal de toate brandurile pe care le ai pe tine.. produsul trebuie sa arate bine ca sa prinda la public

  2. halal de tine daca nu poti sa faci comentarii constructive fara tenta de agresie si o toana de invidie!

  3. Having your eyelashes done?Maybe eyebrows ?!

  4. no no ..eyelashes:P im having extensions done

  5. ohh,i must say i didn't like your blog at first,but you seem like a nice girl.spoiled,but a nice girl!

  6. being spoiled is not a sin in my opinion,and it doesn't make you a brat or a bad person.))
    thank you very much i promiss i shall not disappoint!keep reading babes)
